Projektart: Gefördertes Projekt
Beschreibung / Inhalte
Das Ziel der Studie ist daher die Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von onkologischen Rehabilitationsleistungen im Hinblick auf die Lebensqualität und die Teilhabe am Erwerbsleben bei Rehabilitandinnen mit Brustkrebs. Dafür werden Patientinnen, die eine Rehabilitation absolviert haben, mit Patientinnen verglichen, die aus freier Entscheidung von einer Rehabilitation absehen.
Nutzen und Verwendungsmöglichkeit
Projektbeschreibung von Projektverantwortlichen übernommen.
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
ICF-Bezug des Projekts:
- Das Projekt hat keinen ausdrücklichen ICF-Bezug.
- Rick, Oliver, Prof. Dr. med.
Dr. Ebel Fachkliniken GmbH & Co.
Klinik Reinhardshöhe GmbH
Quellenstr. 8-12
34537 Bad Wildungen
+49 (0) 5621 705-0
Prospective comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of oncological rehabilitation in rehabilitants with breast cancer (PoR study)
Oncological rehabilitation is an essential component in the care of patients with breast cancer and is used by around 70% of patients. Studies have shown an improvement in quality of life, anxiety and depression, cognitive function, physical activity and disease management in patients who have undergone rehabilitation. Although oncological rehabilitation has been well established for many years, there is a lack of evidence of its effectiveness compared to patients who have not received rehabilitation - particularly with regard to participation in working life. The aim of the study is therefore to evaluate the effectiveness of oncological rehabilitation services with regard to quality of life and participation in working life in breast cancer patients undergoing rehabilitation. To this end, patients who have undergone rehabilitation are compared with patients who have chosen not to undergo rehabilitation.
This is a prospective, multicentre, non-randomised cohort study. Patients who have completed primary therapy are to be recruited in four radiotherapy centres and surveyed in writing two weeks, six and twelve months after the end of radiotherapy. Among other things, information on rehabilitation utilisation, subjective quality of life, physical condition and social status as well as participation in working life will be collected and compared. This makes it possible to determine whether the use of oncological rehabilitation is a prognostic factor for improved quality of life and improved participation in working life.
Benefit and possible use
Evidence-based and effectiveness are relevant criteria for assessing medical rehabilitation. Positive evidence of effectiveness results in an improvement in the status of oncological rehabilitation, e.g. in terms of its inclusion in medical guidelines or its acceptance by doctors or social services, which can encourage greater utilisation.
Informationsstand: 03.11.2023