Frequently asked questions

We provide answers to common questions and show you the corresponding information page in the REHADAT Research web offer.

The portal, which is accessible to all, collects and describes projects from research and practice on vocational participation and inclusion. Interested parties can obtain an overview of the diverse project landscape in Germany, find out about individual projects and topics as well as project-related publications, and thus also gain ideas for their own projects and project applications. In addition, there is general information on rehabilitation and participation research, on researchers with their contact details and research topics, as well as links to relevant actors and institutions. Further information can be found at About us.

Our goal is to continue to expand our collection of projects and to find and include new projects that support people with disabilities in their occupational participation.

There are two ways to find projects and studies in our portal:

1) The top search bar on the start page is useful for a quick and rough overview.

2) The menu item projects gives an structured overview according to theme-related project categories.


There are projects here on all aspects of occupational participation for people with disabilities.

We also have projects on related topics (e.g., assistive devices and accessibility) if they support the realisation or improvement of participation in work and education.

Most projects are sorted thematically, into one or two of the following categories:
Medical Rehabilitation & Occupation, Transition to Work, Education & Training, Work & Employment, Law & Policy, Technology & Accessibility, Information & Cooperation, Disabilities & Illnesses, Classifications, Processes & Analysis.

To find a project in our portal, it is best to use the search box at the top of the page or get an overview in the project categories.

In the "Current projects" section, you can see what new projects have been added recently. The list changes from time to time.

There are the following types of projects in the portal:

  • Model projects and implementation projects
  • Studies and scientific works
  • doctoral theses, diploma and master theses
  • joint projects and transnational projects
  • funded projects and own projects without funding

In the result lists and in the detailed views of the project descriptions, the corresponding project types are displayed. Multiple assignments to project types are possible.

To find a project in our portal, it is best to use the search field at the top of the page or get an overview in the project categories.

Please note: The registration of projects and studies with REHADAT RESEARCH is currently only possible in German language.

You can submit your project relating to occupational participation and inclusion online via the registration section in German language.

Simply fill out the registration form for new projects and studies in German and send it to us. This service is free of charge.

The directory lists scientists from various disciplines with their research topics and contact details, all of whom conduct research on rehabilitation and participation issues in Germany.

You can view and download the PDF directory free of charge via the Research section.

All individuals in the PDF directory are linked to the REHADAT Research online portal. If the researchers are also represented with research projects and/or publications in REHADAT, these are also displayed.

Every year for the Rehabilitation Science Colloquium, REHADAT publishes an updated edition of the directory. Co-editors are the German Federal Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund - DRV), the Federal Association for Rehabilitation (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V. - BAR) and the German Association for Rehabilitation (Deutsche Vereinigung für Rehabilitation e. V. - DVfR).

Please note: The registration in the directory of rehabilitation and participation researchers is only possible in German language.

You can register as a researcher in the directory via the registration section in German language.

Simply fill out the online registration form for rehabilitation and participation researchers in German and send it to us. This service is free of charge.

Our portal and the entire information system REHADAT are supported by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) with funds from the Equalisation Fund.

Therefore, we receive many reports of research and practical projects for our portal, which are also funded by the BMAS.

Basically, however, we collect projects from all research institutions, rehabilitation providers, public institutions and non-profit organisations. It does not matter whether these are projects with funding or whether they are our own projects without funding.