Research landscape and its players

The research landscape in the field of rehabilitation and participation is diverse and interdisciplinary. This refers both to the researchers themselves and their topics as well as to the institutions that stimulate and promote research and projects. All actors are involved in shaping, improving and developing rehabilitation and participation for people with disabilities and chronic diseases for the future.

Scientists come from universities, research institutes or rehabilitation facilities and contribute their expertise from various disciplines - such as medicine, psychology, education, social sciences, health sciences, engineering or computer science.

They collect and analyze data on specific issues, evaluate programmes and concepts in terms of their benefits and success, develop services, aids and new technologies for people with disabilities, or test and implement services and measures of rehabilitation and participation in practice.

In addition to issues of medical and vocational rehabilitation and their interlinking, research is conducted on rehabilitation and participation concepts, access to and utilisation of rehabilitation services, occupational integration and prevention, rehabilitation technology and accessibility, as well as many other topics. New fields of research are also being established, such as participation research, which deals with the living conditions, participation and involvement of people with disabilities.