Institutions and Networks
There are many institutions that carry out, accompany and promote projects and research work, that provide ideas and impulses for current research topics or that provide databases and overviews of funded projects and research results.
Here you will find a compilation with links and short descriptions to professional organisations, research associations, working groups and networks, research institutes and chairs, project and research databases as well as other sources of information related to rehabilitation and participation research mainly in Germany.
- Federal Rehabilitation Council (Website only in German)
The Federal Rehabilitation Council (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V. – BAR) promotes the participation of people with disabilities, coordinates and supports the cooperation of the rehabilitation providers, provides the platform for cross-agency coordination and communication between the rehabilitation organisations, imparts knowledge about rehabilitation and participation and informs the public about rehab and inclusion. The diverse tasks of the BAR are divided into seven areas: Joint Recommendations, Principles and Standards, Continuing Education and Training, Public Relations, Further Development and Research, Participation and Participation Procedure Report. - German Society for Rehabilitation Sciences (Website only in German)
Since its foundation in 2000, the German Society for Rehabilitation Sciences (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften e.V. – DGRW e.V.) has been the professional association for scientists and practitioners in the field of rehabilitation. The DGRW e.V. works multi-professional and interdisciplinary and has currently three active commissions and nine working groups, including a working group on rehabilitation and work. - German Association for Rehabilitation (Website only in German)
As a nationwide non-profit association, the German Association for Rehabilitation (Deutsche Vereinigung für Rehabilitation e. V. – DVfR) represents the interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of information on the professional and needs-oriented design of rehabilitation in Germany. In it, representatives of all stakeholder groups involved in rehabilitation work together in an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and consensus-oriented manner in a continuous dialogue to promote habilitation and rehabilitation, participation, self-determination and inclusion. On the website, you will find DVfR statements, current information and the rehabilitation event calendar. - German Association for Public and Private Welfare
The German Association for Public and Private Welfare (Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V.) has been the common forum for all actors in social work, social policy and social law in Germany for almost 140 years. The association provides information on current social developments through publications and specialist events. Topics are: Child, youth, and family policy, basic security systems, assistance for the elderly, care and rehabilitation, civic engagement, planning and management of social work and social services, and international and European social policy and social law.
- Action Alliance for Participation Research (Website only in German)
The Action Alliance for Participation Research (Aktionsbündnis Teilhabeforschung e.V.) wants to contribute to a stronger networking and funding of participation research. Interdisciplinary participation research should focus more clearly than before on the realisation of self-determination, participation and involvement of people with disabilities and thus lead to a reorientation of the research landscape. The Action Alliance for Participation Research provides a platform for open dialogue and joint activities. It is open to all interested parties and consists of 140 organisations and individual members. - Network Rehabilitation Research in Bavaria (NRFB) (Website only in German)
The NRFB (Netzwerk Rehabilitationsforschung in Bayern e.V.) is a non-profit organisation for the promotion of regional rehabilitation research. To this end, representatives of rehabilitation research, rehabilitation practice and rehabilitation organisations work together in the network. With its programmes and activities, the NRFB supports regional research projects in the fields of medical and vocational rehabilitation. It promotes co-operation between science and practice as well as the dissemination of research results. - Network of Rehabilitation Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (Website only in German) is the internet platform and network of rehabilitation research in North Rhine-Westphalia (Netzwerk der Rehabilitationsforschung in Nordrhein-Westfalen). Supported and promoted by the Society for Rehabilitation Research North Rhine-Westphalia (Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationsforschung Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (GfR)), the pension insurance institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia bundle and harmonise their research activities in this portal. The network includes the GfR, the North Rhine-Westphalian Research Alliance for Rehabilitation Sciences (Nordrhein-Westfälischer Forschungsverbund Rehabilitationswissenschaften) and the Rehabilitation Research Network of the German Pension Insurance Rhineland (Rehabilitationsforschungsnetzwerk (refonet) der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Rheinland). - German Network Health Service Research (DNVF)
The DNVF (Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e.V.) is an interdisciplinary network open to all institutions, working groups and scientists concerned with the improvement of health and patient care from the perspectives of science, practice and health policy. The aim of the DNVF is to network health care researchers in the health care system, to bring together science and health care practice and to promote health care research as a field.
- Research Institute for Vocational Training (Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb))
The f-bb supports the further development of the vocational education and training (VET) system through research in Germany and internationally. In close cooperation with our clients in government and business, we develop concepts for innovative vocational education and training and ensure their effectiveness in companies. - Competence Center for Accessibility Volmarstein (Kompetenzzentrum Barrierefreiheit Volmarstein - KBV) (Website only in German)
KBV has been continuously working towards greater social participation and accessibility since 1991. The interdisciplinary team advises, trains, develops and raises awareness on the broad topics of accessibility and assistive technology. In this way, KBV plays a major role in ensuring that everyone can lead a self-determined life - whether in everyday life, at work or in their own four walls. - Hochrhein-Institute (Hochrhein-Institut am RehaKlinikum Bad Säckingen e.V.) (Website only in German)
Hochrhein-Institute was founded in 2007 as a registered association. Its tasks include in particular practical research projects in the field of rehabilitation. The institute's research focuses on Quality assurance in rehabilitation, evaluation of rehabilitation measures, further development of rehabilitation concepts, fibromyalgia and remuneration models in rehabilitation. - IfR Institute for Rehabilitation Research (IfR-Institut für Rehabilitationsforschung im VFR e.V., Norderney) (Website only in German)
The Institute has been conducting research in the field of rehabilitation for over 25 years. It has set itself the goal of researching illnesses and disabilities that give rise to rehabilitation measures, the way in which such measures are carried out, their effectiveness, possibilities for improvement, as well as the motivation of insured persons and the social effects. To this end, various clinical pictures are examined in 7 departments, each with a different focus. - Institute for Empirical Sociology (Institut für empirische Soziologie an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - IfeS) (Website only in German)
The research area „Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation“ of the IfeS deals theoretically and empirically with the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities from a sociological perspective. The risks of exclusion and the prospects of participation of people with disabilities in relation to different social subsystems are examined. Socio-political measures aimed at improving the participation situation of people with disabilities are also examined. Particular attention is paid to "benefits for participation in working life". - Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science (IMVR) at the University of Cologne
The IMVR (Institut für Medizinsoziologie, Versorgungsforschung und Rehabilitationswissenschaft (IMVR) der Universität zu Köln) is a joint scientific institution of the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne. We combine several scientific disciplines with a broad theoretical and empirical expertise. Through our scientific work, we aim to improve health care by providing context and evidence that guides health care practice. We focus on the conception, organization, implementation, and evaluation of studies in health care facilities as well as the interviewing of patients, employees, and management personnel. - Institute for Rehabilitation Medical Research at the University of Ulm (IFR-Ulm) (Website only in German)
The IFR-Ulm (Institut für Rehabilitationsmedizinische Forschung an der Universität Ulm) conducts research projects in the field of rehabilitation science and prevention. The Institute's core competencies are the optimization of cross-sectoral treatment chains, health services research, cost/benefit analyses and effectiveness studies of rehabilitation and prevention measures, physical therapy, research into the need for and access to rehabilitation, the optimization of the sustainability of rehabilitation, patient orientation, the database-supported evaluation of medical data and the development of routine data for rehabilitation medicine research. - Institute for Quality Assurance in Prevention and Rehabilitation ( Institut für Qualitätssicherung in Prävention und Rehabilitation GmbH an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln (iqpr GmbH) (Website only in German)
The iqpr carries out research and pilot projects in the fields of prevention, rehabilitation and quality assurance on behalf of ministries, service providers, service providers and foundations. The aim of the institute is to evaluate and further develop preventative and rehabilitative programmes so that people with and without disabilities can participate in society and working life according to their individual needs. - Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, University Hospital Schleswig Holstein (Website only in German)
The Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology (Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein) has been headed by Prof. Dr. Alexander Katalinic since January 2013. The Institute's primary research interests include epidemiology of chronic diseases, evaluation of prevention programs, quality of life research, nursing research, rehabilitation research, and social and evidence-based medicine. - Institute for Technology and Work, Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V. (ITA), Technische Universität Kaiserslautern) (Website only in German)
The ITA carries out research projects, prepares studies and initiates and supports implementation projects in cooperation with industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), sheltered workshops, non-profit organizations, public administrations and social institutions. ITA's research work on the reciprocal relationships between people and organizations or companies can be divided into five research fields: Work and health, user-oriented technology design, corporate development, sustainability and method development. - Institute for Participation Research, Catholic University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia (Website only in German)
The Institute for Participation Research (Institut für Teilhabeforschung, Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen) is concerned with the social participation, self-determination and inclusion of people with disabilities as well as people in old age and their caregivers. The aim is to improve their opportunities for self-determined participation in society through applied research projects, advice and further training. - InterVal (InterVal GmbH, Berlin) (Website only in German)
InterVal has been supporting politicians, administrations, foundations and associations since 2007 with scientific analyses, empirical data and expert advice. The company analyzes and evaluates model projects, funding programs, institutions and laws. The focus of its work lies in twelve subject areas. These include the areas of health and vocational rehabilitation and school-to-work transition. - Department of Rehabilitation Sociology and Vocational Rehabilitation, Humboldt University of Berlin (Website only in German)
The research and teaching focus of the department (Abteilung Rehabilitationssoziologie und berufliche Rehabilitation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wansing) is on social science theories and concepts of inclusion, exclusion, disability and participation; disability and migration; life situations of people with disabilities (participation research); concepts of prevention, rehabilitation and social work with disabilities as well as the management of rehabilitation and participation (personal budget, participation planning, impact-oriented quality assurance). - Chair for Health Psychology (formerly: Vocational Rehabilitation), RWTH Aachen University
The teaching and research area (PD Dr. phil Viktoria Arling, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Gesundheitspsychologie) generally deals with topics of health psychology, vocational retraining and rehabilitation. - Chair of Labour and Vocational Rehabilitation, University of Cologne
At the Chair of Labour and Vocational Rehabilitation (Professur für Arbeit und berufliche Rehabilitation) we are focusing on research and teaching with current social and sociopolitical relevant questioning. We are working in an interdisciplinary team where both the practical experiences and international cooperation are very important to us. Our participative attitude is crucial for that. We are eager to consider the perspective of all people concerned in every question. - Research Unit Work, Inclusion and Technology, Technical University of Dortmund
The Research Unit of Work, Inclusion and Technology (Fachgebiet Arbeit, Inklusion und Technologie), headed by Prof. Dr. Frauke Mörike and JProf. Dr. Lena Hünefeld, is located at the interface between the perspectives of occupational, rehabilitation and technology science with the aim of making an interdisciplinary relevant contribution to the design of inclusive work systems. - ZEP – Center for Evaluation and Policy Advice (Website only in German)
The Center for Evaluation and Policy Advice (ZEP – Zentrum für Evaluation und Politikberatung) has many years of experience in social science evaluation and programme research as well as strategic consulting for the public sector. ZEP conducts relevant research on the topics of "participation in working life" and "participation in education".
- List of all research projects of the German Social Accident Insurance
Complete directory and search for research projects conducted by the accident insurance institutions (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung - DGUV). All ongoing and completed projects that have been worked on by the accident insurance institutions in their own institutes (in-house research) or that have been funded by them but carried out by third parties, as well as projects conducted by institutions in which the accident insurance institutions play a major role, can be found here. - Funding catalogue - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF) (Website only in German)
The funding catalogue is a publicly available database with more than 110,000 completed and ongoing federal projects from the federal governments project funding. It provides research options and selected statistics. - Web portal - Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Website only in German)
The portal contains initiatives, examples and projects on inclusion provided by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales – BMAS) as well as a search option for projects from REHADAT research. - Project database GEPRIS - German Research Foundation (DFG)
GEPRIS is a bilingual (German/English) database of funding measures administered by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). You can search the database for research projects, participating researchers and their institutions.
- CORDIS - Community Research and Development Information Service
The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation, from FP1 to Horizon Europe. - Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information & Exchange (CIRRIE)
CIRRIE has developed a Database of International Rehabilitation Research. The database may be searched by subject, author, country, title, year and other parameters. CIRRIE has also developed an online, multi-lingual International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. The database and the encyclopaedia are available on the website in archived form. - GLADNET Collection
The GLADNET collection includes a wide variety of documents, such as reports, goverment documents, and project descriptions, that relate to employment and training for people with disabilities.