Institutions and Networks

There are many institutions that carry out, accompany and promote projects and research work, that provide ideas and impulses for current research topics or that provide databases and overviews of funded projects and research results.

Here you will find a compilation with links and short descriptions to professional organisations, research associations, working groups and networks, research institutes and chairs, project and research databases as well as other sources of information related to rehabilitation and participation research mainly in Germany.

  • Federal Rehabilitation Council (Website only in German)
    The Federal Rehabilitation Council (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V.BAR) promotes the participation of people with disabilities, coordinates and supports the cooperation of the rehabilitation providers, provides the platform for cross-agency coordination and communication between the rehabilitation organisations, imparts knowledge about rehabilitation and participation and informs the public about rehab and inclusion. The diverse tasks of the BAR are divided into seven areas: Joint Recommendations, Principles and Standards, Continuing Education and Training, Public Relations, Further Development and Research, Participation and Participation Procedure Report.
  • German Society for Rehabilitation Sciences (Website only in German)
    Since its foundation in 2000, the German Society for Rehabilitation Sciences (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften e.V. – DGRW e.V.) has been the professional association for scientists and practitioners in the field of rehabilitation. The DGRW e.V. works multi-professional and interdisciplinary and has currently three active commissions and nine working groups, including a working group on rehabilitation and work.
  • German Association for Rehabilitation (Website only in German)
    As a nationwide non-profit association, the German Association for Rehabilitation (Deutsche Vereinigung für Rehabilitation e. V.DVfR) represents the interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of information on the professional and needs-oriented design of rehabilitation in Germany. In it, representatives of all stakeholder groups involved in rehabilitation work together in an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and consensus-oriented manner in a continuous dialogue to promote habilitation and rehabilitation, participation, self-determination and inclusion. On the website, you will find DVfR statements, current information and the rehabilitation event calendar.
  • German Association for Public and Private Welfare

    The German Association for Public and Private Welfare (Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V.) has been the common forum for all actors in social work, social policy and social law in Germany for almost 140 years. The association provides information on current social developments through publications and specialist events. Topics are: Child, youth, and family policy, basic security systems, assistance for the elderly, care and rehabilitation, civic engagement, planning and management of social work and social services, and international and European social policy and social law.

  • Action Alliance for Participation Research (Website only in German)
    The Action Alliance for Participation Research (Aktionsbündnis Teilhabeforschung e.V.) wants to contribute to a stronger networking and funding of participation research. Interdisciplinary participation research should focus more clearly than before on the realisation of self-determination, participation and involvement of people with disabilities and thus lead to a reorientation of the research landscape. The Action Alliance for Participation Research provides a platform for open dialogue and joint activities. It is open to all interested parties and consists of 140 organisations and individual members.
  • Network Rehabilitation Research in Bavaria (NRFB) (Website only in German)
    The NRFB (Netzwerk Rehabilitationsforschung in Bayern e.V.) is a non-profit organisation for the promotion of regional rehabilitation research. To this end, representatives of rehabilitation research, rehabilitation practice and rehabilitation organisations work together in the network. With its programmes and activities, the NRFB supports regional research projects in the fields of medical and vocational rehabilitation. It promotes co-operation between science and practice as well as the dissemination of research results.
  • Network of Rehabilitation Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (Website only in German) is the internet platform and network of rehabilitation research in North Rhine-Westphalia (Netzwerk der Rehabilitationsforschung in Nordrhein-Westfalen). Supported and promoted by the Society for Rehabilitation Research North Rhine-Westphalia (Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationsforschung Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (GfR)), the pension insurance institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia bundle and harmonise their research activities in this portal. The network includes the GfR, the North Rhine-Westphalian Research Alliance for Rehabilitation Sciences (Nordrhein-Westfälischer Forschungsverbund Rehabilitationswissenschaften) and the Rehabilitation Research Network of the German Pension Insurance Rhineland (Rehabilitationsforschungsnetzwerk (refonet) der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Rheinland).
  • German Network Health Service Research (DNVF)
    The DNVF (Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e.V.) is an interdisciplinary network open to all institutions, working groups and scientists concerned with the improvement of health and patient care from the perspectives of science, practice and health policy. The aim of the DNVF is to network health care researchers in the health care system, to bring together science and health care practice and to promote health care research as a field.

  • CORDIS - Community Research and Development Information Service
    The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation, from FP1 to Horizon Europe.
  • Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information & Exchange (CIRRIE)
    CIRRIE has developed a Database of International Rehabilitation Research. The database may be searched by subject, author, country, title, year and other parameters. CIRRIE has also developed an online, multi-lingual International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. The database and the encyclopaedia are available on the website in archived form.
  • GLADNET Collection

    The GLADNET collection includes a wide variety of documents, such as reports, goverment documents, and project descriptions, that relate to employment and training for people with disabilities.