Research Project
Description / Topics
Different approaches of vocational rehabilitation of mentally ill persons can be characterized in terms of content orientation (qualification vs. training) and the point of job-integration in the process of rehabilitation (early vs. late). It is likely that different measures have different effects on perceived job-related resources: qualification-oriented measures probably influence more professional resources (e.g. professional competence), training-oriented more personal resources (e.g. resilience). Measures with earlier job-integration should have more effects on social resources (e.g. social support) than measures with later job-integration.
Based on stress and resource theories in a GLM-design will be examined, if and in which way relevant perceived personal, social and professional resources and control and selfefficiacy change during different measures of vocational rehabilitation.
The project includes the developement of a questionnaire for measuring perceived occupational resources.
Project Data
1 Jan 2012
31 Dec 2015
ICF Reference of the Project:
- The bio-psycho-social approach of the ICF provides a conceptual frame of reference.
Further information about this research project
Project Management:
- Eichert, Hans-Christoph, Prof. Dr. Dr.
seit 2021 Vertretungsprofessur berufliche Rehabilitation und soziale Teilhabe an der PH Heidelberg
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
Institut für Sonderpädagogik - Arbeit und Beruf
Keplerstraße 87
69120 Heidelberg
06221 - 477 191
Eichert, Hans-Christoph: Ressourcenwahrnehmung bei Rehabilitand(inn)en in der beruflichen Rehabilitation. Vortrag auf dem Fünfundzwanzigsten Rehabilitationswissenschaftlichen Kolloquium vom 29. Februar bis 2. März 2016 Mainz. In: Gesundheitssystem im Wandel - Persepktiven der Rehabilitation. Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund - DRV (Hrsg.). Berlin: Eigenverlag 2016, S. 253-256.
Reference Number:
Last Update: 14 Feb 2022