Qualification & Training
Measures for vocational qualification and rehabilitation as well as skills training are provided in projects, tested as models and implemented.
These can be partial or full professional qualifications in commercial or industrial occupational areas. Other examples are short qualification and training courses that focus on promoting labour market-related skills such as IT applications, English and job application training, and job search support. Following these measures, the participants are to be integrated into the labour market.
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Projects (18)
1 Type of Project: Funded project Model project Implementation project
ELAN - rEturn to LeArN
Participants: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Nordbayern | Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bayern Süd | Deutsche Rentenversicherung Schwaben | Jobcenter Bayreuth Stadt | Jobcenter Bayreuth Land | Jobcenter Hof | Jobcenter Nürnberg-Stadt | Jobcenter München | Jobcenter Ebersberg | Jobcenter Kaufbeuren | Jobcenter Augsburg Stadt | Jobcenter Augsburg Land | Berufsförderungswerk Nürnberg gGmbH | Berufsförderungswerk München gGmbH | Institut für empirische Soziologie an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (IfeS) -
2 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Life inclusive: CompetenceTandems for Female University Students with and without Disabilities
Participants: Hildegardis-Verein e.V. -
3 Type of Project: In-house project
Acquisition of housekeeping competences in workshops for people with disabilities according to § 136 SGB IX - Qualification modules assigned to level 2 in the German and European Qualification Frameworks
Participants: Bremer Heimstiftung | Werkstatt Bremen -
4 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
PiA - Perspectives in elderly care
Participants: DRK-Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe, Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratungs- und Service-GmbH | Integrationsfachdienst (ifd) Meschede -
5 Type of Project: Funded project Model project Transnational project
Participants: POINT Project Construction & Engineering Trading LLC | Berufsförderungswerk Oberhausen e.V. | INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN INTEGRAL, S.L.U. | International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development | Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy | Nadácia Mojmír | Tum Avrupa Kadinlari Kulturel Isbirligi ve Dayanisma Dernegi -
6 Type of Project: Funded project
Job reintegration for rehabilitants
Participants: DK Integrationsbetriebe gGmbH | Die Kette e.V. -
7 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Inclusive Education for people with disabilities
Participants: Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Landesverband Sachsen e.V. | AWO Landesverband Sachsen e.V. | AWO SONNENSTEIN gGmbH | Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband Geithain e.V. -
8 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
FUTURE - EDP for severely disabled employees
Participants: DibS, Dienstleistungen für die berufliche Eingliederung Schwerbehinderter GmbH -
9 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Transition management for prisoners / Support and transition management for juvenile prisoners with learning and mental disabilities
Participants: Berufsbildungswerk Nordhessen | JVA Rockenberg -
10 Type of Project: Model project Funded project
PROBAS - Project for further qualification for severely disabled Bachelor graduates
Participants: Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) | Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) | Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) Gießen | Dortmunder Zentrum Behinderung und Studium (DoBuS) der Technischen Universität Dortmund | Fa. Boehringer Ingelheim -
11 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Back to the job!
Participants: sbs bildungsprojekte gmbh -
12 Type of Project: Model project
Saalfeld Model for Flexible Work and Integration of Mentally Impaired People (SAFARI)
Participants: Bildungszentrum Saalfeld GmbH | Agentur für Forschung, Entwicklung, Beratung und Schulung in der Rehabilitation (AFEBS Reha) -
13 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
In-service qualification for people with learning difficulties who are employed in horticulture
Participants: alster-intec e.V. -
14 Type of Project: Funded project
Health guide for the deaf
Participants: Asklepios Klinik Nord-Ochsenzoll -
15 Type of Project: Funded project
SiBS-Plus II
Participants: bfw - Berufsfortbildungswerk des DGB GmbH -
16 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Expansion and deepening of the training places of the Vocational Training Center Cologne in the field of information technology (IT) in the context of vocational rehabilitation and reintegration of mentally handicapped persons into the general labor market
Participants: RWTH Aachen, Institut für Psychologie -
17 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Industrial Clerk Online Plus
Participants: Berufsförderungswerk Köln gGmbH -
18 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
INN Aktion
Participants: Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) gGmbH | Anthojo GmbH