Physical Impairment & Internal Illness
People with physical disabilities need special offers and support to promote and shape their participation in work, education, training and social life.
Physical limitations can manifest themselves in different ways and result from various conditions, such as heart disease, allergies, respiratory diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders or cancer.
Projects develop and disseminate for the different target groups of physically impaired people, e.g. measures for counseling, qualification and occupational integration, aids for personal care and technical aids to support the performance of work, or design, test and evaluate occupational and medical-occupational rehabilitation measures.
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Projects (31)
1 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Care of adults with intellectual disabilities or severe multiple disabilities before and after the introduction of medical centers (MZEB)
Participants: Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften | DIAKOVERE Krankenhaus gGmbH Hannover | Krankenhaus Mara gGmbH Bielefeld -
2 Type of Project: Funded project
Participatory volunteering - advocacy support programs
Participants: Bundesverband Kleinwüchsige Menschen und ihre Familien e. V. -
3 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Effects of tertiary preventive strength training according to the Kieser Training concept on back pain after completion of outpatient or inpatient treatment (PREBACK study)
Participants: Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement (GmbH) | Kieser Training AG -
4 Type of Project: Funded project
Promotion of consulting competence in self-help work
Participants: Bundesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter BSK e.V. -
5 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Back to my life - re-entering professional life after cancer
Participants: Sachsen-Anhaltische Krebsgesellschaft e.V. -
6 Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work
Assistance Robots for People with disabilities
Participants: Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten | Die Zieglerschen e.V. Wilhelmsdorfer Werke evangelischer Diakonie -
7 Type of Project: Funded project Implementation project
Pedagogical-didactic further development and evaluation of the DRV Bund bronchial asthma curriculum
Participants: Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg -
8 Type of Project: Dissertation Scientific Work
Job participation opportunities using the example of the perspective of people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus
Participants: Technische Universität Dortmund -
9 Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work Study
Patient competence and disease-related concerns (fear of recurrence) of cancer patients in the course of oncological rehabilitaion. A contribution to construct validation.
Participants: Universitätsklinikum Freiburg -
10 Type of Project: In-house project Funded project Study
Integration of employees with health impairments in manufacturing environments
Participants: Universität St. Gallen, Center for Disability and Integration (CDI-HSG) -
11 Type of Project: In-house project Funded project Model project
Wheelmap Android App Version 2.0 Development
Participants: Sozialhelden e.V. -
12 Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work Study
Socio-medical evaluation of specialist rehabilitation after radical prostatovesiculectomy
Participants: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institut und Poliklinik für Medizinische Psychologie | Niederrhein-Klinik Korschenbroich | Klinik Quellental | Klinik Birkental | Viviante Rehabilitation GmbH | Helios Klinik Bergisch-Land -
13 Type of Project: Funded project Transnational project Scientific Work
We Empower uS bH - transnational development, trial and transfer of an occupational assistance concept for people with the disabilities Spina bifida and Hydrocephalus
Participants: Technische Universität Dortmund | Josefsheim gGmbH -
14 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Evaluation of occupation-oriented inpatient and postinpatient interventions in cardiac rehabilitation patients with occupation-related problems (BERUNA)
Participants: Klinik Königsfeld | Mühlenberg-Klinik | Institut für Rehabilitationsforschung Norderney -
15 Type of Project: Funded project
Psychological interventions in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic low back pain or coronary heart disease: systematic development of practice recommendations
Participants: Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Institut für Qualitätsmanagement und Sozialmedizin -
16 Type of Project: Model project Funded project
Bremen Psychosocial Aftercare Program for Cancer Patients
Participants: Bremer Krebsgesellschaft e.V., Landesverband Bremen der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft | Klinikum Bremen-Nord | Fachklinik Erbrinzentanne | Marbachtalklinik Bad Kissingen | Klinik Porta Westfalica | Sonnenbergklinik | Asklepios Nordseeklinik | Schloß Schönhagen | Rehazentrum Bremen -
17 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Comparison of the effects of interval rehabilitation with those of conventional medical rehabilitation in the treatment of employable patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Participants: Klinik Niederrhein der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Rheinland | Deutsche Rentenversicherung Rheinland | Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Abt. Medizinische Psychologie -
18 Type of Project: Funded project
Job integration network
Participants: Bundesverband Kleinwüchsige Menschen und ihre Familien e. V. -
19 Type of Project: Funded project Implementation project
Evaluation of the model introduction of patient education programs for rheumatologic and pneumologic rehabilitation
Participants: Rehazentrum Bad Eilsen, DRV Braunschweig-Hannover -
20 Type of Project: Funded project
Development of an evidence based guideline for the rehabilitation of breast cancer patients
Participants: Universitätsklinikum Freiburg -
21 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Effectiveness of expenses of in-patient rehabilitation opposite ambulante rehabilitation after heart attack
Participants: Universität Ulm, Abt. Gesundheitsökonomie,Universität Ulm, Forschungsinstitut für Rehabilitationsmedizin -
22 Type of Project: In-house project
Functional Capacity Evaluation models (FCE models) in dermatology / allergology
Participants: Asklepios Nordseeklinik -
23 Type of Project: Joint project Funded project Study
Fatigue in tumor patients - prevalence and need for rehabilitation
Participants: Rehabilitationswissenschaftlicher Forschungsverbund | Verbund Freiburg/Bad Säckingen | Universitätsklinikum Freiburg -
24 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Quality of Life and Needs in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Participants: Universität Würzburg, Institut für Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie, Arbeitsbereich Rehabilitationswissenschaften | Universität Würzburg, Medizinische Poliklinik -
25 Type of Project: Joint project Funded project Study
Goal-oriented return-to-work counseling: a multicenter controlled intervention study (ZOBRA)
Participants: Rehabilitationswissenschaftlicher Forschungsverbund | Verbund Nordrhein-Westfalen | Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften -
26 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Long-Term Efficiency of Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Chronic Back Pain The Integrative Orthopedic Psychosomatic Concept (IopCo)
Participants: Institut für Rehabilitationsforschung Norderney | Klinik Münsterland -
27 Type of Project: Transnational project Joint project
Job qualification of physically disabled young people through Open Distance Learning (EURO H)
Participants: Institut Arbeit und Technik | IAT | H-Foundation for Disabled People, Bukarest | Pilot Center for Information Technologies of National School of Political Studies and Administration (NSPSPA), Bukarest | Firma New Systems, Bukarest | Foundation for Quality Promotion, Bukarest | University of Glasgow, Scotland | College of Transport and Telecommunication Gyor, Ungarn -
28 Type of Project: In-house project
MEGAREDO - metabolic-gastroenterological rehab documentation
Participants: Landesversicherungsanstalt Westfalen (LVA) | Deutsche Rentenversicherung Westfalen | Klinik Rosenberg | Institut für Rehabilitationsforschung Norderney -
29 Type of Project: Joint project Funded project Study
Comparison of Measures and Structures of Cancer Rehabilitation in Countries of the European Community
Participants: Rehabilitationswissenschaftlicher Forschungsverbund | Verbund Nordrhein-Westfalen | Klinik Bergisch-Land -
30 Type of Project: Transnational project Joint project
REHA-INPROD: Rehabilitation of disabled people through computer-based qualification and assistive technologies for integration into productive work
Participants: Institut Arbeit und Technik | IAT | National Council of Small and Medium Enterprises, Romania | Veb Consult S.r.l., Toscana | Association DIA-Sport Sofia, Bulgarien -
31 Type of Project: In-house project Scientific Work
Interdisciplinary rehab: model for the integration of occupation-specific prevention measures within the framework of medical rehabilitation
Participants: Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Abteilung Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin | Spitzenverband der landwirtschaftlichen Sozialversicherung (LSV-SpV) | Klinik Limberger GmbH & Co. KG | Klinik Westfalen | Technische Aufsichtsdienste der Träger der landwirtschaftlichen Berufsgenossenschaften Baden Württemberg, Niedersachsen und Schleswig Holstein