Research Project
Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work
TANGRAM – Graphics for the blind and visually impaired

Description / Topics

The project aims at the development of supporting technologies and novel ways of transcribing graphics found in specialist books. Current accessibility guidelines request graphics are accessed by blind people by a verbal description which is read out or printed in Braille. In doing so, only one possible interpretation is given. Beyond such a description, complex graphics may be printed as tactile graphics and enable blind readers to interpret diagrams. Some graphics resemble a notation which is hard to describe verbally. Examples for those kinds of graphics can be found in mathematics, electrical engineering, information technology or architecture. The main goal of project TANGRAM is to improve access to graphics by integrating graphical and textual presentations.
Key to this objective are new methods for proofreading as well as checking tactile graphics automatically and in particular allowing blind lectors to review a transcription faster and earlier. Editing software will be developed addressing both the needs of sighted and blind people. A pin-matrix device will be utilized for editing tactile graphics.
Finally, methods will be defined to handle archiving and distribution of the transcribed graphics regardless if they will be used as auditive, tactile or audio-tactile representation at a workplace.

Project Data


1 Jul 2012


30 Jun 2015

Grant Number:

Va 4-58330/244

Funded by:

  • Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS)

Further information about this research project

Project Management:

  • Weber, Gerhard, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.


  • Bornschein, Jens, Dipl.-Medieninf. |
  • Bornschein, Denise, Dr.-Ing.


Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Informatik - Institut für Angewandte Informatik
Professur Mensch-Computer Interaktion
Nöthnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden

Reference Number:


Last Update: 28 Apr 2022