Research Project
Type of Project: In-house project
To the Meaning of Self-Determination and Independence in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Blindness and Low Vision

Description / Topics

In my survey I will investigate whether the paradigm shift from the primacy of independence to the primacy of self-determination, which is to be seen in science and policy, also has an influence on the subjects of the training of orientation and mobility.
In this survey I asked all german specialists of orientation and mobility about the contents of their lessons, about their oppinion relating to the use of personal help and about their attitude towards independence and self-determination. Further I wanted to know whether self-determination and personal assistance had been taught subjects in their own training. The survey is based on a semi-standardized interview manual. Based on the results of my survey I will offer suggestions how to integrate the subjects of self-determination and personal assistance into the curricula of the training of orientation and mobility. Since to my oppinion it must become an aim and subject of the training of orientation and mobility to teach skills as well in the area of independence as in the area of self-determination with using personal assistance.

Project Data


1 Aug 2003


1 Apr 2004

Further information about this research project

Project Management:

  • Drolshagen, Birgit, Dr.


Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften
Rehabilitation und Pädagogik bei Blindheit und
Emil-Figge-Straße 91
44221 Dortmund
Telephone: 0231/755-4579 E-Mail:

Drolshagen, B. (2005): On the Significance of Self-Determination and Independence in the Training of Orientation and Mobility. In: Education - Aiming for excellence. Conference Report. Chemnitz. S. 352 - 362

Reference Number:


Last Update: 29 Nov 2019