Representation of Interests
There are many institutions and people who represent and strengthen the interests and rights of people with disabilities and chronic illnesses in the public sphere.
These include self-advocacy and self-help organisations, as well as political and public institutions, associations, and experts in their own right.
With the help of counseling, training, social support and networking, projects aim to increase the autonomy and self-determination of people with disabilities and thus enable them to represent their interests in all areas of life on their own responsibility.
Projects implement, for example, counseling centres or training courses on empowerment for people with disabilities, they develop further training courses for volunteers in the field of self-representation or support the organisational development of associations so that they can become even more intensively involved in shaping politics and society.
Projects (62)
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1 Type of Project: In-house project Model project Funded project Implementation project Joint project
Participants: Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V. - ISL -
2 Type of Project: Funded project
Work the way I want to!
Participants: Trägerverein für das Franz Sales Haus zu Essen | Technische Universität Dortmund | Sozialforschungsstelle TU Dortmund | Fachhochschule Münster | Fraunhofer Institut -
3 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Qualification of regional inclusion-clusters on flight and disability
Participants: Handicap International e.V. -
4 Type of Project: Funded project
Participants: Berufsbildungswerk Leipzig gGmbH -
5 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
LIVE - Local Inclusive Association(s) Engagement
Participants: Special Olympics Deutschland e.V. -
6 Type of Project: Funded project
Establish peer support in participation at the federal level, continue to strengthen political empowerment of parents with disabilities by recruiting new generation
Participants: Bundesverband behinderter und chronisch kranker Eltern - bbe e. V. -
7 Type of Project: Funded project
Assistance costs for various committee meetings
Participants: Bundesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter BSK e.V. -
8 Type of Project: Funded project
Participation and Self-Representation of disabled people in the Process of implementing and further development of the German law for the participation of disabled people (Bundesteilhabegesetz)
Participants: NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 - Verein für Menschenrechte und Gleichstellung Behinderter e.V. -
9 Type of Project: Funded project
Communication aids for securing the political work of the DG
Participants: Deutsche Gesellschaft der Hörbehinderten - Selbsthilfe und Fachverbände e. V. -
10 Type of Project: Funded project
Participatory volunteering - advocacy support programs
Participants: Bundesverband Kleinwüchsige Menschen und ihre Familien e. V. -
11 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Participating in science and research - a service offer for people with disabilities and their associations
Participants: Bildungs- und Forschungsinstitut zum Selbstbestimmten Leben Behinderter (bifos) e.V. -
12 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
CASCO – From being a CASE to being a COACH Persons with disabilities who are experts for themselves will be qualified – a pool of trainers for vocational and advanced trainings will be established
Participants: Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V. - ISL -
13 Type of Project: Funded project In-house project
Project for Political Participation of Deaf-Blind People
Participants: Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. (DBSV) | Leben mit Ushersyndrom e. V. (LMU) | Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Taubblinden (BAT) -
14 Type of Project: Funded project In-house project
Competence building and organizational development by strengthening internal and external communication
Participants: Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V. - ISL -
15 Type of Project: Funded project
Participation of people with learning difficulties
Participants: Mensch zuerst - Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V. -
16 Type of Project: Funded project
Intensification of association work and more participation in political decision-making processes
Participants: Deutscher Gehörlosen-Bund e.V. -
17 Type of Project: Funded project
German Disability Council (Deutscher Behindertenrat)
Participants: Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V. - ISL -
18 Type of Project: Funded project
Participants: Kellerkinder e.V. -
19 Type of Project: Funded project
Train-the-trainer course: Self-management courses in the German Rheumatism League
Participants: Deutsche Rheuma-Liga Bundesverband e.V. -
20 Type of Project: Funded project
Assistance for the exercise of the honourary activity
Participants: Allgemeiner Behindertenverband in Deutschland e.V. "Für Selbstbestimmung und Würde" (ABiD) -
21 Type of Project: Funded project
Assistance for the exercise of the honourary activity of the association chairperson
Participants: Allgemeiner Behindertenverband in Deutschland e.V. "Für Selbstbestimmung und Würde" (ABiD) -
22 Type of Project: Funded project
Seminar for partially operated patient caregivers
Participants: Bundesverband der Kehlkopfoperierten e.V. -
23 Type of Project: Funded project
Water therapy seminar
Participants: Bundesverband der Kehlkopfoperierten e.V. -
24 Type of Project: Funded project
Updating of the Parental Assistance Guidebook with regard to the changes of 2018 and 2020 due to the new federal legislation SGB IX (BTHG) as a basis for consultation, further training and the development of needs-based offers
Participants: Bundesverband behinderter und chronisch kranker Eltern - bbe e. V. -
25 Type of Project: Funded project
Workshop: Innovative developments in the assistive technology market
Participants: Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. (DBSV) -
26 Type of Project: Funded project
Participation of persons with disabilities Action Alliance for Participation Research
Participants: Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. (DBSV) | Aktionsbündnis Teilhabeforschung -
27 Type of Project: Funded project In-house project
Management of the Secretariat of the German Council for People with Disabilities in 2018
Participants: Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) e.V. -
28 Type of Project: Funded project In-house project
Acquisition of a Mobile Radio Speech Transmission System for Hard of Hearing Respectivily Deaf-Blind Persons
Participants: Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. (DBSV) -
29 Type of Project: In-house project Funded project
Assistance costs for various committee meetings of BSK e.V.
Participants: Bundesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter BSK e.V. -
30 Type of Project: Funded project
Accompanying assistants
Participants: Pro Retina Deutschland e.V. -
31 Type of Project: Funded project
Strengthening the political empowerment of parents with disabilities
Participants: Bundesverband behinderter und chronisch kranker Eltern - bbe e. V. -
32 Type of Project: Funded project
Self-management program challenge rheumatism - take your life in your hands / train-the-trainer course
Participants: Deutsche Rheuma-Liga Bundesverband e.V. -
33 Type of Project: Funded project
Promotion of consulting competence in self-help work
Participants: Bundesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter BSK e.V. -
34 Type of Project: Funded project
Water therapy seminar
Participants: Bundesverband der Kehlkopfoperierten e.V. -
35 Type of Project: Funded project
Stuttering and job
Participants: Bundesvereinigung Stottern & Selbsthilfe e.V. -
36 Type of Project: In-house project
Social media in self-help for participation and inclusion
Participants: Bundesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter BSK e.V. -
37 Type of Project: Funded project Model project Scientific Work Dissertation
Coaches for Inclusive Education (CIB)
Participants: Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit | mittendrin e. V. | Universität zu Köln | Stadt Köln, Amt für Schulentwicklung -
38 Type of Project: Funded project
Feasibility Study ABiD-Institute Disability and Participation, Practical Research and Research-Related Practic
Participants: Allgemeiner Behindertenverband in Deutschland e.V. "Für Selbstbestimmung und Würde" (ABiD) -
39 Type of Project: Funded project
Training on the BTHG and preparation of a handout
Participants: Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V. - ISL | FbJJ - Forum behinderter Juristinnen und Juristen -
40 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Back to my life - re-entering professional life after cancer
Participants: Sachsen-Anhaltische Krebsgesellschaft e.V. -
41 Type of Project: Funded project
Assistance to the Chairman of the Association
Participants: Allgemeiner Behindertenverband in Deutschland e.V. "Für Selbstbestimmung und Würde" (ABiD) -
42 Type of Project: Funded project
Strengthening Participatory Competence I - Conference
Participants: Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. (DVBS) -
43 Type of Project: In-house project Scientific Work
Peer Counseling in the Rhineland - Counseling at Eye Level
Participants: Landschaftsverband Rheinland -
44 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Scientific support of the action program Inclusion Companions of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation in cooperation with the Lechler Foundation
Participants: Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg -
45 Type of Project: Funded project Model project Transnational project Scientific Work
I show you my world
Participants: Ev.-Luth. Diakoniewerk Neuendettelsau KdÖR | SHEKEL - Community Services for People with Special Needs | Wilhelm-Löhe-Hochschule -
46 Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work
Under roof!? An index for inclusive housing in the community
Participants: Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe e.V. -
47 Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work
Empowerment for Participation
Participants: Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V. - ISL | Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim, Holzminden, Göttingen -
48 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Help for self-help on site - pilot for people with disabilities
Participants: Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben Köln -
49 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Competence Center Self-Determined Living NRW (Rhineland)
Participants: Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben Köln -
50 Type of Project: Funded project
Courage to live - Short documentary film
Participants: First togetherness UG
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