Women with Disabilities
Women with disabilities need special offers and support to promote and shape their participation in working life and social life.
Projects develop and disseminate, for example, measures for qualification and reintegration for women with disabilities or support and mentoring programmes for female students with disabilities; they build networks for information and advice and aim to reduce disadvantages of women with disabilities in society.
Projects (15)
1 Type of Project: Funded project Model project Implementation project
FRAI – integrating women with experience of violence (into the job market)
Participants: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Braunschweig-Hannover | INN-tegrativ gGmbH -
2 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Bergauf. Health management for women
Participants: Jobcenter Wuppertal | Kommunales Jobcenter Solingen | Jobcenter Remscheid -
3 Type of Project: Funded project
Prospective comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of oncological rehabilitation in rehabilitants with breast cancer (PoR study)
Participants: Dr. Ebel Fachkliniken GmbH & Co. Klinik Reinhardshöhe GmbH -
4 Type of Project: Funded project
Barrier-free business start-ups. Self-employed and successful in working life with disabilities (BESSER)
Participants: Institut für Freie Berufe an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (IFB) -
5 Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work Model project
AUT*CIA - Equal opportunities for severely disabled women with HFA/AS in working life
Participants: Berufsbildungswerk St. Franziskus Abensberg | Integrationsfachdienst (IFD) gGmbH Nürnberg | Berufsförderungswerk Hamburg | OTH Regensburg -
6 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Life inclusive: CompetenceTandems for Female University Students with and without Disabilities
Participants: Hildegardis-Verein e.V. -
7 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Opening doors - paving the way Mentoring program for female students with disabilities
Participants: Hildegardis-Verein e.V. -
8 Type of Project: Funded project
EIVIWAC - Education Initiative Visually Impaired Women Against breast Cancer: Introduction of the Medical Tactile Examiner (MTU) qualification in further countries of the European Union
Participants: Berufsförderungswerk Düren gGmbH | Partner aus Frankreich, Rumänien und Irland -
9 Type of Project: Funded project Study
GISELA - Guidance and Information SErvices for Less-Abled Women - A European Study and Network
Participants: Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein, Kompetenzzentrum Barrierefreiheit Volmarstein (KBV) -
10 Type of Project: Funded project Study
Female students with disabilities
Participants: Hildegardis-Verein e.V. -
11 Type of Project: Funded project Dissertation
Bodies of Surveillance: Disability, Femininity and the Keepers of the Gene Pool
Participants: Universität zu Köln, Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät -
12 Type of Project: Model project Funded project
Opening up new fields of activity for school leavers with learning difficulties
Participants: Jenaer Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben behinderter Menschen e.V. -
13 Type of Project: Funded project Model project
Hessian network of disabled women
Participants: Verein zur Förderung der Autonomie Behinderter fab e.V. -
14 Type of Project: Implementation project
discovering hands - early breast cancer detection through blind and visually impaired women
Participants: discovering hands gUG -
15 Type of Project: Funded project
Hessen coordination office for disabled women
Participants: Verein zur Förderung der Autonomie Behinderter fab e.V.