Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work Model project
JobProtection. Securing employment of persons with special requirements following vocational rehabilitation

Description / Topics

The project tests an advice and support service for insured persons (re-)entering the labour market. The service includes social care, psychological or – if necessary – therapeutical and medical help and up to 48 hours are available in the two years after starting employment. The services are delivered by service providers which successfully concluded a vocational rehabilitation programme with the aim of integration on behalf of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Braunschweig-Hannover. The target group of the project are insured persons with a F-diagnosis, except F10-19.

The project’s goals are:
a) to permanently reintegrate insured persons into the labour market, at least for the duration of the two-year intervention
b) to vest these persons with the skills necessary to overcome future problematic work situations by themselves;
c) to create a unified and structured aftercare programme that can be included into the regular services of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung

The number of participants is c250 people and the services are delivered by 11 service providers with a total of 37 locations throughout Lower-Saxony. The Hannover Medical School researches the processes and outcomes of the project. The contribution periods of participants and non-participants will be analysed. Twenty participants will be invited for two in-depth interviews – at the beginning and at the end of the intervention – to discuss the perceptions and benefits of the interventions. Service providers and employees of the Rentenversicherung are asked for regular feedback so the services and their delivery can be adjusted during the project’s duration and transferred more easily into a regular offer.


1 Oct 2019


30 Sep 2024

Grant Number:


Funded by:

  • Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS); Bundesprogramm „Innovative Wege zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben - rehapro“ (erster Förderaufruf)

Project Management:

  • Pech, Corinna


  • Behling, Felix, Dr.


Deutsche Rentenversicherung Braunschweig-Hannover
Lange Weihe 6
30880 Laatzen
Telephone: 05118290 E-Mail: rehapro@drv-bsh.de
Homepage: https://www.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de/DRV/DE/...

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Homepage: https://www.mh-hannover.de

Reference Number:


Last Update: 6 Feb 2023