Type of Project: Funded project Dissertation
Work place phobia and work related anxieties.

Description / Topics

Sick leave can not only be explained by illness symptoms as such but is often due to work place related anxieties. There is a lack of research on this matter.

In a first step theoretical and clinical concepts have been defined. A discrimination is necessarry e.g. between phobic, hypochondiqacal, generalized or postraumatic anxieties. A standardized clinical interview has been designed and first surveys show that 67% of patients in psychosomatic rehabilitation are suffering from workplace related anxieties. They can be associated with primary anxiety disorders but also be specific for the work place only.

In a next Stepp a self rating scale has been developed, the "Job-Anxiety-Scale", which discriminates between situational anxiety and avoidance behavior, social and paranoid anxiety, hypochondrical anxiety, feelings of insufficiency, and worrying.

The next study a group treatment will be developed and evaluated which focusses specifically on work related anxieties.


1 Jan 2004


31 Dec 2014

Funded by:

  • Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund

Project Management:

  • Linden, Michael, Prof. Dr. med. |
  • Muschalla, Beate, Prof. Dr. phil.


Rehabilitationszentrum Seehof der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund
Lichterfelder Allee 55
14513 Teltow
Telephone: 03328 345678 E-Mail: michael.linden@charite.de
Homepage: https://www.charite.de/

Forschungsgruppe Psychosomatische Rehabilitation an der Charite Berlin

Rehaforschungsverbund Berlin Brandenburg Sachsen
Luisenstr. 13a
10098 Berlin

Rehazentrum Bad Salzuflen
Dr. D. Olbrich
Am Ostpark 1
32105 Bad Salzuflen

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Last Update: 23 Oct 2019