Type of Project: Funded project
Work simulation modules in the context of occupational orientation in medical neurorehabilitation (BoReM-N)

Description / Topics

The main objective of this trial is to evaluate return to work and patient related outcomes of the new rehabilitation program (BoReM-N) compared to the current traditional rehabilitation programs.
For most people the ability to go back to work after severe illness is very important. But for persons with acquired brain damage this is an enormous challenge, even for those who are less impaired in their functional abilities and whose restrictions initially appear less relevant: These patients often leave the rehab hospital expecting that they will be directly able to carry on like before. However, they too usually meet difficulties in everyday life.
The work simulation is similar to the patient’s usual individual working conditions. This way, patients can test their work-related abilities and deficits. In the psycho educational lessons the patients are given the chance to talk about the experience they have made during the work simulation, and their difficulties, and they can learn how to cope with everyday work life.


1 Jan 2010


31 Dec 2013

Grant Number:

GfR09003 / 623-10

Funded by:

  • Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften Nordrhein-Westfalen e. V.

ICF Reference of the Project:

  • The bio-psycho-social approach of the ICF provides a conceptual frame of reference.
  • The ICF is used, e.g. through the use of ICF-based instruments / scales to describe examination variables, process documentation, outcome measurement.

Project Management:

  • Menzel-Begemann, Anke, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.


Fachhochschule Münster
Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Rehabilitationswissenschaften
Hüfferstraße 27
48149 Münster
E-Mail: menzel-begemann@fh-muenster.de

Johanniter-Ordenshäuser Bad Oeynhausen gemGmbH
Johanniterstraße 7
32545 Bad Oeynhausen
Telefon 05731 151-0
Homepage: https://www.johanniter.de/johanniter-kliniken/joha...
E-Mail: menzel-begemann@fh-muenster.de

Kooperationsklinik: Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum "Godeshöhe" Bonn - Bad Godesberg

Menzel-Begemann, A. (2012). Die Ergotherapie im Behandlungskonzept des Beruflich-orientierten Reha-Moduls (BoReM). Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation, 12, 11-16.

Menzel-Begemann, A. & Hemmersbach, A. (2012). Interventionen zur beruflichen Orientierung in der medizinischen Rehabilitation nach neurologischen Erkrankungen. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 18 (5), 309-317.

Menzel-Begemann, A.; Hemmersbach, A.: BoReM-N – Beruflich orientiertes Reha-Modul für die Neurologie. In: Deutsche Renterversicherung Bung (Hg.): Nachhaltigkeit durch Vernetzung, Berlin 2011, S.365-367.

Menzel-Begemann, A. (2011). Return to work – work for return! Beruflich orientierte Reha-Module für die Neurologie (BoReM-N). Valeo-Verbund-Zeitschrift mittendrin, 26.

Menzel-Begemann, A.: Beruflich orientiertes Reha-Modul für die Neurologie (BoReM-N) - finale Ergebnisse zum Katamnesezeitpunkt 15 Monate nach Reha. Vortrag auf dem Fünfundzwanzigsten Rehabilitationswissenschaftlichen Kolloquium vom 29. Februar bis 2. März 2016 in Aachen. In: Gesundheitssystem im Wandel - Perspektiven der Rehabilitation. Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund - DRV (Hrsg.). Berlin: Eigenverlag 2016, S.225-227.

Reference Number:


Last Update: 9 Apr 2020