Type of Project: In-house project
Vocational focused rehabilitation program for cancer patients

Description / Topics

Vocational reintegration of cancer patients depends on somatic factors, profession, place of work and also on psychosocial factors. In the knowledge of these conditions and of the changes in the labour market we have developed a special rehabilitation program which is strongly focused on aspects of profession and place of work. Since summer 1998 our vocational focused rehabilitation program is used in patients with orthopedic diseases and is now offered also to cancer patients. After the check of the patient's capabilities and requirements of the place of work in the first week of the clinical rehabilitation patients pass a special physiotherapeutic and ergonomic training including job simultation elements. Important psychological aims within the program are modification of dysfunctional reflections, reduction of stress induced psychophysical activation, instruction to a selfmanagement as well as the support of professional competences and resources.


1 Apr 1999


30 Apr 2000

Project Management:

  • Krüger, Hans-Ulrich, Dr. med.


  • Knörzer, Jürgen, Dr. Dr. med. |
  • Schöttler, Bernd, Dr. med. |
  • Behrotter, Marion |
  • Disse, Ottmar, Dipl.-Psych.


Bavaria-Klinik Freyung
Abteilung Innere Medizin/Onkologie
Solla 19/20
94078 Freyung
Homepage: https://www.klinik-bavaria.de

Krüger H.U. (1995), Rehabilitationskonzept in Deutschland. 5. Rehabilitationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 6. bis 8. März 1995 in Freyung, Abstractband S. 157

Krüger H.U. (1995), Rehabilitationskonzepte in Deutschland. In: Zusammenarbeit von Forschung und Praxis, 5. Rehabilitationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 6. bis 8. März 1995 in Freyung. Hrsg.: Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger. DRV-Schriften Band 5, Seite 288-289

Reference Number:


Last Update: 20 Dec 2019