Type of Project: Funded project Model project Study Scientific Work
INN³plus. Improvements through a combination of medical-occupational rehabilitation and inclusive and motivational psychotherapy

Description / Topics

The project tests an intensified, individual inclusive psychotherapy in addition to the combined medical and occupational rehabilitation treatment of INN3. Members of the target group are not able to benefit from regular occupational rehabilitation programmes. They have impaired psychical and somatic functional abilities connected with conflictual or straining context factors. These can occur in combination with disappointing or conflictual social or work related experiences. In the individual therapy sessions, these hitherto untreated insured persons will work on their varying conflicts and work related anxieties and adjustment disorders, while they develop strategies for life choice changes and social inclusion.
The project’s goals are:
- Preparation of the insured people for the reintegration into the labour market
- Improved rehabilitation outcome prediction for participants as opposed to assessments in standard consultations
- An increase of the labour market reintegration of 20 per cent of participants compared to non-participants that have only received a conventional occupational rehabilitation
The number of participants is approximately 250 persons during the intervention period of 42 months. The project is carried out at the BFW Bad Pyrmont, part of INN-tegrativ gGmbH, in cooperation with the Therapy Centre Friedrichshöhe Bad Pyrmont. The project’s aims and outcomes will be evaluated. The reintegration rate of participants and non-participants and their contribution periods will be compared. A survey of socio-demographic aspects, health conditions, personality traits, work motivation, and context factors is also conducted. In a qualitative setting 50 participants and non-participants are interviewed about their experiences of the program and focus groups with the specialised staff are being conducted.
The project is led by Dr Axel Kobelt-Pönicke.


1 Dec 2019


30 Nov 2024

Grant Number:


Funded by:

  • Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS); Bundesprogramm „Innovative Wege zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben - rehapro“ (erster Förderaufruf)

ICF Reference of the Project:

  • The bio-psycho-social approach of the ICF provides a conceptual frame of reference.
  • The ICF is used, e.g. through the use of ICF-based instruments / scales to describe examination variables, process documentation, outcome measurement.

Project Management:

  • Kobelt-Pönicke, Axel, apl. Prof. Dr.


  • Behling, Felix, Dr.


Deutsche Rentenversicherung Braunschweig-Hannover
Lange Weihe 6
30880 Laatzen
Telephone: 05118290 E-Mail: rehapro@drv-bsh.de
Homepage: https://www.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de

INN-tegrativ gGmbH
Homepage: https://inn-tegrativ.de/

Reference Number:


Last Update: 9 Apr 2020