Research Project
Type of Project: Funded project
Joint Application for Rehabilitation and Participation Services (Professional and technical realization, testing of a prototype, and preparation for the implementation of a joint application for rehabilitation and participation benefits)

Description / Topics

The focus of the project is to provide simple and holistic (digital) access to rehabilitation and participation services for people with disabilities and those at risk of disability, considering the challenges within the structured rehabilitation and participation system. The project, "Joint Application for Rehabilitation and Participation Services", aims to develop a prototype for a coordinated (digital) application for rehabilitation and participation services across all rehabilitation providers ('Reha-Antrag') and to test it from various perspectives. Additionally, a plan for gradual implementation into practice shall be designed.

The 'Reha-Antrag' is intended to enable applicants to apply for participation services from various areas such as health, employment, education, and social participation with a single application. The application is not initially based on services, service groups or responsibilities, but on personally perceived needs, regardless of which rehabilitation provider(s) is/are likely to be responsible.

For rehabilitation providers, such a coordinated application across all rehabilitation providers creates a common basis for the legally required application processing. This common basis promotes cooperation among rehabilitation providers as well as coordinated planning to organize services seamlessly and "as if from a single source" within existing legal deadlines.

In addition to making the process more user-friendly and reducing bureaucratic barriers, the "Reha-Antrag" is also intended to facilitate cooperation between rehabilitation providers.

Project Data


1 May 2023


31 Oct 2025

Grant Number:

BMAS V a 3 – 58330-51

ICF Reference of the Project:

  • The bio-psycho-social approach of the ICF provides a conceptual frame of reference.

Further information about this research project

Project Management:

  • Goldbach, Christiane, Dr.


  • Jamin, Daniela |
  • Penstorf, Carola


Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e. V.
Solmsstraße 18
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: 069 /60 50 18 0 E-Mail:

Das Projekt ist ein Projekt der Mitglieder der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V.

Darüber hinaus sind weitere relevante Akteur:innen aus dem Bereich Rehabilitation und Teilhabe beteiligt. Dies umfasst z.B. (Verbände von) Menschen mit Behinderungen, Reha-Träger vor Ort, IT-Expert:innen der Reha-Träger sowie Leistungserbringer, die in den verschiedenen Projektphasen zusammenarbeiten oder an der Erprobung teilnehmen.

Zur Projektstruktur:

Goldbach, Christiane; (2021): Gemeinsam, smart und digital. In: Reha-Info, (6),

Goldbach, Christiane; Penstorf, Carola; Jamin, Daniela Jamin (2023): Ein (digitaler) Antrag für alle Reha- und Teilhabeleistungen. In: Reha-Info, (6),

Reference Number:


Last Update: 12 Apr 2024