Research Project
Type of Project: Funded project

Description / Topics

Self-made robots as digital assistants, 3D-printed chin- and mouth-joysticks for power chair users or customized wheelchairs – new technologies provide numerous solutions to make everyday life for disabled people easier. The goal of “HelpCamps”, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is to enhance the use of these technologies, so that technical aids can be produced easier, faster and cheaper.

The project brings together people with disabilities, scientists, business professionals, makers from different FabLabs and Maker Spaces, as well as other people interested, to work on technical aids and helpful everyday tools that support people with disabilities. The medium-term goal is to establish a co-working network for further collaborations.

During the project, different events will take place, such as a BarCamp which focuses on the difficulties users of technical aids have when they are trying to get a new device or when they are using it. A two-day innovation forum will follow, where developer teams will look for specific solutions for the problems described during the previous BarCamp, such as prototypes or business plans. Exclusively for interested business professionals, there will be networking events offered in irregular intervals.

Project Data


1 Aug 2017


30 Apr 2018

Grant Number:


Funded by:

  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Further information about this research project

Project Management:

  • Lichtenthäler, Niels


  • Lohnherr, Guido |
  • Glücklich, Cinderella |
  • Mancarella, Fabio |
  • Färber, Mike


matrix GmbH & Co. KG
Am Falder 4
40589 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49 (0)211 75707-910 E-Mail:

Reference Number:


Last Update: 30 Oct 2017