Research Project
Type of Project: Funded project Scientific Work
Intra-urban Mobility-support for the Blind and viSually impaired (InMoBS)

Description / Topics

Today‘s mobility of blind and visually impaired persons is associated with many barriers. Most trips are limited to well-trained routes. Especially crossing streets becomes a huge challenge paired with high risks. Traffic lights equipped with special guidance systems often do not meet the individual needs of affected persons. The aim of the research project InMoBS is to improve the mobility of blind and visually impaired people. Therefore a complex system concept based on existing techniques has to be developed, which provides the user with all necessary information and guarantees a safe and continuous navigation in intraurban road networks. Required route information will be easily generated and uploaded to the portable navigation device by the user himself or its family members. The navigation device will also be able to receive real-time traffic light information based on Car-2-X-communication techniques, which are used for an acoustic and haptic user-friendly guidance through the urban road network. To realise all of these aspects blind and visually impaired people are involved in all project development steps.

Project Data


1 Jan 2012


31 Dec 2014

Grant Number:


Funded by:

  • Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie

Further information about this research project

Project Management:

  • Friedrich, Bernhard, Prof. Dr.-Ing.


TU Braunschweig - Institut für Verkehr und Stadtbauwesen
Rebenring 31
38106 Braunschweig
Telephone: +49 531 391-7920 E-Mail:

Mitwirkende Institutionen:
TU Braunschweig - Institut für Verkehrspsychologie
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
Siemens AG
OECON Products & Services GmbH

Im Unterauftrag:
Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V.
ITS Niedersachsen GmbH

Reference Number:


Last Update: 26 Feb 2013