About REHADAT Research

Symbolgrafik mit ineinandergreifenden Zahnrädern. Die Zahnräder tragen Symbole wie Glühbirne, Lehrende an Tafel, Büchern und anderen Symbolgrafik mit ineinandergreifenden Zahnrädern. Die Zahnräder tragen Symbole wie Glühbirne, Lehrende an Tafel, Büchern und anderen

REHADAT Research provides an overview of projects and studies as well as researchers in the field of vocational rehabilitation and participation. Thus, we contribute to an orientation in the diverse project and research landscape in Germany.

Our goal is to create transparency and educate with well-founded and relevant information:

  • We collect and inform about projects, actors and researchers as well as research funding in the field of occupational participation and inclusion. We regularly look for new projects and developments that can support people with disabilities.
  • We include projects on all aspects of vocational participation in our portal - across disciplines, institutions, countries and funding agencies.
  • The projects, studies and plans are sorted into nine categories: Medical Rehabilitation & Occupation, Transition to Work, Education & Training, Work & Employment, Law & Policy, Technology & Accessibility, Disabilities & Illnesses, Information & Cooperation, Classifications, Processes & Analyses.
  • Our collection of projects is extensive and has grown over many years. Currently, we publish more than 1.900 project descriptions from research and practice. In addition to the latest and ongoing projects, publicly funded project series and initiatives, we also present completed projects, which provide an overview of topics over time.
  • The directory of rehabilitation and participation researchers in Germany is updated and published annually by us. The co-editors are the German Federal Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund - DRV), the Federal Association for Rehabilitation (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V. - BAR) and the German Association for Rehabilitation (Deutsche Vereinigung für Rehabilitation e. V. - DVfR).
  • Our FAQ answers frequently asked questions about the REHADAT research portal.

This portal is part of the REHADAT information service. REHADAT is a project of the German Economic Institute, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) from the Equalisation Fund. For more information on REHADAT, click here.